Moon Shot for Equity

Moon Shot for Equity is led by the Education Advisory Board (EAB) and focuses on eliminating equity gaps in higher education by 2030.

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Erasing Gaps

The Moon Shot for Equity is change leadership consulting aimed at erasing equity gaps within our colleges and universities and boosting the success of all students. Rooted in proven student success research and best practices, Moon Shot combines change leadership strategies, data insights, best-in-class technology, consultative support, and project management to help institutions build the capacity and infrastructure for substantial, sustainable change.

Rocket launching to erase gaps
HERA logo

HERA Partner Institutions Honored For Commitment to the Moon Shot for Equity Initiative

Education firm EAB recognized HERA partners Carthage College, Milwaukee Area Technical College, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, and University of Wisconsin – Parkside with the Student Success Collaborative – CONNECTEDness Award for their commitment to the Moon Shot for Equity initiative. The four HERA institutions were the first regional consortium of higher education institutions to be part of the initiative.

Location of Moon Shot Partners